Board of Homoeopathic system of Medicine

3 Lions

Power and duties of officers and Employees


Section – 4(1)(b)(ii)


Sl.No. Designation of post
Powers and Duties attached
    Administrative Financial Statutory Other  
1. Chairman
a) Unless provided otherwise by this Act or prevented by reasonable cause
  1. To convene and preside over all meetings of the Board
  2. Otherwise to control in accordance with any regulation to be made in this behalf, the transaction of business at all meetings of the Board
b) To be superintend and control and financial and executive administration of the Board and bring to its notice and defect therein,
c) to perform such other duties as are required or imposed on him by or under this Act, or rules framed there under.
2. Vice Chairman
(a) In the absence of the Chairman from a meeting of the Board and unless prevented by reasonable cause, preside, regulate the conduct of business and maintain and enforce order at the meeting
b) during vacancy in the office of Chairman or the incapacity or temporary absence of the Chairman, perform any other duty or power of the chairman
c) At any time perform any duty and exercise, when occasion arises, any power delegated to him by the Chairman under section 12.
3. Registrar
1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and subject to any general and special orders of the Board, it shall be the duty of the Registrar to keep the register and discharge such other functions as are required to be discharged by him under this Act or by the rules made there under.                                                                                         
2) The Registrar shall, so far as practicable, keep the register correct and up-to-date and may from time to time enter therein any material alteration in the addresses or qualifications of the practitioners. He shall also remove from the register the name of the registered practitioners who die or who under the provisions of this Act cease to be entitled to remain on the register.
3) The State Government may direct that no alterations in the entries in respect of additional qualifications shall be made unless such fee as may be prescribed is paid.
4) For the purpose of this section, the registrar may write to any registered practitioner at the address which is entered in the register to inquire whether he has ceased to practice or has changed his residence and if no answer is received to the said letter within three months, the registrar may issue a registered reminder, and in case no
4. Dealing Assistant
Dealing with Registration cases, all administration work i.e. noting, drafting, typing, preparing dupl. certificates, updating R.M.P. list according to renewal basis, accounts work. Also assists raiding team of Anti Quackery Cell, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Court cases of quack doctors and general correspondence. Updation of RMPs list in Board's web site time to time. Correspondance through e-office.
5. Daftary Operating photocopier. Keeping office record like Registration, Results, all files & general correspondance regarding registration verification. 
6. Peon House keeping of office and carrying office daak.